Programa de pós-graduação em ensino de ciências da natureza


The PPECN has 18 professors, 14 of the permanent staff and 4 collaborators. The professors are from the Institute of Chemistry (7), the Institute of Physics (4), the School of Education (1), the Institute of Psychology (2) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, (1) from the Instituto federal do Rio de Janeiro, (1) From the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2) from CEFET-RJ. Some professors have had projects approved by funding agencies such as: FAPERJ and CAPES. The projects involve the participation of students and teachers of the Basic School. Others conduct different activities at the Institutes of Chemistry and Physics for the popularization of Science. Most of the teachers in the program are integrated into undergraduate courses as master’s advisors, institutional coordinators of PIBID, members of examining boards, tutors, etc.

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